During the middle part of the 1600s, there were several John Sandersons alive in Bradfield parish at the same time. The available records are inconclusive as to which is which.
Having reevaluated Quaker links in my ancestry, it would appear, that this John Sanderson was a Quaker.

The notes at the bottom of the printed page, are likely to be wrong.
So; John Sanderson of Hagstones – who was he?
There is quite a bit of information in his will, but unfortunately it hasn’t made it much easier to decide who he was.
Haggstones is located close to Worrall, here is a link to a map of 1851. Sometimes entered as ‘Tagstones’, also ‘Ragstones’.
Stubbing House can also be found on this map, south of Worrall. Is this the same house ‘lately built and erected in the Stubing‘?
There is also a ‘Stubbin Farm’ in Bradfield Dale.
John Sanderson married Ann Birley 1706. Was this a second marriage, as John died 5 years later in 1711. A son John is mentioned in the Will of 1711, but it isn’t made clear of his age.

John Sanderson of Ragstones in Worrall and Ann Birley of Hope with the consent of Friends and parties concerned and according to …..order took each other in Marriage in a Public Meeting of Friends in a the house of John Bentley in Bradwell on the 30th of the 3rd month 1706.
According to the Quaker records, John Sanderson of ‘Tagstones‘ was buried at a Sheffield meeting of Friends, having died 22nd day of the 12th month 1711.

His son John died 19 January 1720 according to the Quaker Records, (son of John Sanderson of Tagstones ( Highflatts meeting))

John Sanderson son of John died 1720