I will attempt to make a list of churches used by my ancestors, as places of worship, and for baptisms marriages and funerals.
I include links to the churches, and perhaps I may be able to visit them at some point.
St. Mary’s, Davyhulme, Lancashire
Where I was baptised April 1965

Ecclesall All Saints, Sheffield.
Burial John 1834 and Sarah Dyson 1833
St Leonards, Heston, Middlesex

Bradfield St Nicholas, Yorkshire.

Sanderson, Dyson, Bramall, Hawkesworth, Ibbotson, Furness

Hammersmith St. Peters
Marriage of William Tranter and Maria Jane Potter.
Ipswich St Mary Elms
Owlerton Church, St John the Baptist, Sheffield
Marriage of Vincent Sanderson and Nora Thompson 1903

Stannington Christ Church, Sheffield.

Sanderson, Dyson, Furness
Burial of George and Elizabeth Furness 1840, George Dyson 1869, Elizabeth (Dyson) Sanderson 1905, Albert Sanderson 1920.
Albert Sanderson was ‘bellman and pinder,’ here according to 1871 census.
Stokenchurch, St Peter & St. Paul.
Tranter, Rixon, Sears, Messenger, Pearce.
St Mark’s Methodist Church, Dykes Lane, Sheffield
Sanderson, David

David’s first church, opposite his primary school.
David was a pageboy to the 1947? May Queen. In the late 1940’s early 50’s he was a cub scout and became a ‘sixer’. He attended Sunday School and bible reading classes and was in the youth club until 1953.
St. Cuthbert’s CofE Firvale Sheffield
Sanderson, David

On going to grammar school in 1951, David made friends with several classmates who attended St. Cuthberts and he was invited by his particular friend, (later to become his best man on marriage), to come to the monthly Saturday night dance. All was a success and in 1953 he began to attend the Sunday evening services, which was followed by the youth club. He was a member of the church until he left Sheffield in 1957 to begin his engineering apprenticeship.
St Mary’s, Walkley, Sheffield.

St Mary’s, also known as the church on the road, is where the Gillott family marriages took place. Charles to Mary Ann Moorhouse nee Hinchliffe (1876), George to Louie Saynor (1935), Cyril Long to Doris Gillott (1928) and maybe others not yet confirmed
Sheffield Parish Church, St Peter & St Paul
George Dyson bapt 1810, John Dyson bapt 1777, Sarah Wilde bapt 1790.

Sheffield Cathedral from 1914

The Parish Church of Sheffield has seen the births, marriages and burials of many Sandersons and Gillotts over the ages, but not so many associated directly with our families’ trees. There are references on the church walls to members of our families who died during the World Wars and are referenced elsewhere in this journal.
David sang as an alto in the school choir when it was invited to perform in the Cathedral’s Christmas festival of lessons and carols in 1953.

Marriage -Thomas Sanderson and Mary Ann Siddons / Jonathan Sanderson and Elizabth Barnes.