Hawkesworth of Bradfield

There have been references to the Hawkesworths in connection to the Sanderson family, from the beginning of our research in Bradfield. It is likely they were established in Bradfield, before the Sandersons arrived, although both Sanderson and Hawkesworth appear on the first page of the Bradfield Baptism registers. It is likely that some members of the family were of reasonably high standing.

The Bradfield Hawkesworth/ Hawksworth are considered to have originated from the village of the same name in West Yorkshire.

Whilst the connections have been known to me since the beginning of our research, I haven’t necessarily paid much attention to them, thinking there were no direct links to my ancestry.

However, a recent discovery leads me to consider I do have some Hawkesworth ancestry, so on this page, I will go through the connections I have discovered up to now, with comments on them.

1st March 1635 Henry Sanderson marries An Hawkesworth (Bradfield St Nicholas).

Henry (c1608) married Betrise Creswick 9th February 1629, and she was buried, 28 December 1630. Henry then married An Hawkesworth 1st March 1635 at Bradfield. Henry was buried 28 October 1649.

30 May 1678 John Sanderson marries Anne Hawkesworth

27 January 1705 Joshua Sanderson marries Dorathy Hawkesworth

This marriage had been entered wrong in the registers. Dorathy was entered as Dorathy Sanderson, which for years prevented working further back. In February 2024, a fellow researcher discovered the will of George Hawkesworth of Stannington, proved 1707, in which he mentions a gift to his sister Dorathy – wife of Joshua Sanderson.

Searching the Parish registers from Bradfield, revealed that the father of Dorathy was Christopher Hawkesworth. Luckily he had a less common fore and surname. He married Grace Green May 28th 1668. No birth/ baptism date found.

11 September 1721 Robert Sanderson marries Elizabeth Hawkesworth

14 November 1723 Joseph Bramall marries Martha Hawksworth at Bradfield. Joseph and Martha Bramall were the parents of Martha and Mary Bramall. Martha married John Sanderson in 1748, and Mary married Jonathan Sanderson in 1750.

20/4/1784 Joseph Hawkesworth marries Sarah Sanderson

1836 Settlement order mentions Jonathan Sanderson renting a house from Hawkesworth and Fenton. Which must have been Fair House

BRADFIELD 60-289 George Sanderson 1836/2/24 Father of Charles Sanderson deceased, who was examined for the settlement of Charles’ widow Martha. George stated that his late son belonged to Bradfield in the right of the examinants late father (Jonathon) who rented and occupied a house and small farm from Mr. Hawkesworth and Mr. Fenton for which he paid above £10 a year for many years and died there a few weeks ago. Charles did not rent a house nor was he apprenticed. Martha stated that she was married to the late Charles at Eccles Old Church on 3 August 1834 and has two children (twins Sarah and Louisa ) now about 5 months old. She and her two children are now sick, and not fit to be removed, and are now chargeable to Brinnington, Stockport(SE). Heard by Jus. Newton and Jonathon Thornhill JP’S.

To be continued….

Angela Weatherill 2024