
Tailors, Tentmakers & Train Drivers

MW (my husband), is the youngest of four children, born to Jeffrey Richard (known as Joe), Weatherill and Mary Gertrude Chapman between 1952 and 1961, near Windsor.

Joe descended from a long line of Tailors. He too was the youngest of four children, and born to Alfred Hubert Weatherill and Alice Keys in 1925. Older siblings Mollie c1913, Betty c1920, Douglas (Punch c1922). Joe decided to move away from the tailoring business, and bought, repaired and sold canvas tarpaulins, before developing this into a Marquee manufacturing and hire business, which has grown and is still operating in Norfolk as Weatherill Brothers Ltd.

Generation 1

Jeffrey Richard Weatherill

Mary Gertrude Chapman

Generation 2

Alfred Weatherill Alice Keys

Mark Chapman Queenie Hurren

Generation 3

James Weatherill Harriet Duckett

Thomas Richard Keys Ann

Chapman ?

William Hurren Gertrude Hart

Generation 4

William Liddle Weatherill Mary Allen

James Duckett Harriet Morrell

Thomas Keys Ann Watts




Hurren ?

Hart ?

Generation 5

Francis Keys Mary