Joseph Sanderson

1758 – 1832

Retracing Fore-Father’s Footsteps Generation 6

Joseph Sanderson was baptised 9th May 1758 in Bradfield Church to Jonathan Sanderson and Mary Bramall. He was the third of four children born at Mill Lee Bradfield. His siblings were Martha 1751, Jonathan 1754 and Mary 1759.

At the age of one, on 22nd March 1759, and three days before the baptism of his youngest sister, his father was buried in Bradfield churchyard.

Joshua Hartley & Mary Bramall – Sanderson – Hartley

His mother remarried on 4th November 1760 to Joshua Hartley, (born c1735).

The family remained at Mill Lee, Joshua was a farmer and cutler, and took the four Sanderson children on as his own. Mary and Joshua went on to have five further children. Anne, baptised 20th June 1761, (so Mary was probably pregnant at the time of marriage). Rowland 1763, Elizabeth 1766, Hannah,1771 -1783, and William 1775.

A fellow researcher, Diane Wragg, descended through the Bramhall/Sanderson – Hartley marriage, has helped with some of this information, and has come to similar conclusions with regard to this family.

Jonathan and Joseph Sanderson were apprenticed to Joshua Hartley (information; Cutlers register of apprentices and freemen)

Sanderson, Jonathan s. of Jonth., Mill Lee, Brdfld, c, dec: to Hartley Joshua, c; 3, 1772 F 1775.

Sanderson, Joseph s. of Jonth., Mill Lee, Bradfield, dec: to Hartley Joshua, Bradfield, c; 5, 1772 F 1780.

“c, dec” “F” stands for “cutler, deceased” “Freeman”

Joseph married Sarah Helliwell on 26th June 1797. According to Sarah’s burial record, she was born c1777, making her nineteen years younger than Joseph. (Had Joseph been previously married? – no evidence for this found as yet.) Sarah appears to have been born at Wightwizzle, near Bolsterstone, but no baptism has been identified. Naming patterns may indicate her father was called George and mother perhaps ‘Hannah’. Perhaps Joseph was a cutler in this area.

At the time of marriage Joseph and Sarah, already had a son (baptised on 2nd April 1794 at Bradfield as Joseph Helliwell, – his parents were unmarried). The baptism register states Sarah Helliwell was living at Wightwizzle, and she would have been around 17 years old.

Five months after their marriage, their second child, George Sanderson was baptised on 6th December 1797 at Bolsterstone Church, which was a chapel of ease to Bradfield.

Joseph and Sarah, had further children, (possibly William burial 1801, but no baptism found), John baptised 31 May 1803 at Bradfield but living at Wightwizzle, Hannah baptised 25th May 1806 and buried 30th December 1808, Joel born 22nd December 1808 and buried 13 August 1809, Zacharias born 14th February 1812, and Mary baptised 16th December 1815, born at Low Bradfield.

Gravestone to Joseph (Helliwell) Sanderson, Zacharius Sanderson and Mary

This is the Will of Joseph ‘Helliwell’ Sanderson, which confirms that Charles Sanderson born c1836, with no baptism record, but living in the Sanderson household from 1841, and Henry born 1848, with no baptism and living in the household from 1851, were both sons of Mary Sanderson.

Identifying the children born to the various Sanderson families at this time, has not been easy, due the use of common forenames, and the fact that the families lived in close proximity, sometimes in the same property.

Joshua Hartley died in 1803, leaving a very informative will. Both Sanderson and Hartley children inherited as if they were all his natural children. Mary Hartley was buried 24th November 1807.

....... I devise to my son in law Joseph Sanderson my house at Nether Bradfield together with land etc. under the name of Gillott Fields (and he is to pay rent to his mother/ Joshua's wife (Mary Hartley)). (After death of Joseph land etc to be divided equally between his children, Joseph Helliwell to have an equal share with the rest of the children of Joseph).... 

This property is presumed to be Nether House Bradfield, it seems that Joseph in 1804, was able to move from Wightwizzle to set up home with Sarah, and their three sons in Low Bradfield, as a cutler. He added to his family, who continued to live in the property for many years.

Nether House Farm Bradfield. Picture Sheffield

It appears Joseph extended his acquistition of land in Bradfield at the Enclosure awards

31st December 1817 Joseph Sanderson (Joshua Hartleys son) declares enclosure land

Map showing land owned by Sanderson’s, bought by Sheffield Waterworks, for Damflask Reservoir.

9th March 1826 Joseph Sanderson allotted land by Dam Flask Road in enclosure award

1st JANUARY 1839 DECLARATION BY JOSEPH SANDERSON (Presumably the Joseph Sanderson born in 1778 -1853, son of Jonathan, and nephew of the Joseph Sanderson described in this page).

I, Joseph Sanderson, shopkeeper, was well acquainted with Joshua Hartley formerly of Mill Lee. He was the stepfather of Joseph Sanderson (the father of George, John, Zaccariah, Mary and Joseph Helliwell). Joshua Hartley purchased from Joseph Jones of Rotherham about 1802 various messuages etc. called Gillotts Fields. Joshua died in the latter part of the year 1803 leaving surviving children Rowland his heir, William and two daughters. Rowland was married to Sarah Ibbotson in November 1790 and they lived together until the death of Rowland in January 1830. They had several children including John Hartley residing at Hill Foot (his eldest son and heir). Joseph took over two messuages and made them into four. Joseph died in February 1833. Joseph was married to Sarah Helliwell until she died in 1827. They had seven children George, John, Zaccariah, Mary and Joseph Helliwell and three others who died in infancy and on the death of Joseph his said children, including the said Joseph Helliwell entered into possession.

Joseph buried 24 Feb 1832 Low Bradfield aged 76

Sarah buried 2 January 1828 wife of Joseph Sanderson, Low Bradfield aged 53.