CWH (nee Harvey), began the Harvey research, and this has been expanded by Angela.
The information on this page has not been researched chronologically, but is being presented as such (backwards), to make it easier to understand.
Apparently Harvey as a surname is one of the most widespread names in Britain, but although I have known of it as long for as I have been aware of the surnames in my immediate family, it is not one that I heard elsewhere. That was, until we moved to Wymondham Norfolk. It is a very common name in Norfolk, and there had even been a previous owner of our house with the name. We mused on the possibility, that our Harvey ancestors had come from Norfolk. However research very soon discounted this, as we discovered that all the ancestors in the Harvey line, had been in Wiltshire for generations.
CWH was born 1941 in Isleworth, as the youngest child to older parents, but was lucky to have been surrounded by many Harvey relatives, particularly of the older generation, who enjoyed recounting family stories.
It was a given fact that Cynthia’s grandparents John and Sarah Ann Harvey ran a Greengrocers shop (selling fruit and vegetables), in Fulham Palace Road Fulham. Her father Charles, and ‘The Aunties‘, all helped out in the shop when they were young, as did Cynthia’s older brothers Gordon and Brian. By the time Cynthia was born, John and Sarah had retired, and they sadly both died in 1944, John, as a result of wartime bombing.

So working backwards along the Harvey line…
CHARLES WILLIAM HARVEY (my father), born 26th June 1901 was the only child of John and Sarah Ann to carry on the Harvey name.
John Harvey

John Harvey, aged 26, married Sarah Ann Ayliffe, aged 24, in 1888, at St Andrews Church Fulham. They both lived to celebrate their Golden Wedding in 1938, (click for details from a Newspaper cutting, which has been used to confirm facts, such as their marriage in 1888). They were both aged around 80 years, so this information has also been used to confirm birth dates. The marriage certificate gives John’s father as, Stephen Harvey, with both John and Stephen described as Greengrocers.
Later research reveals that Sarah Ann was born in Luckington Wiltshire, as were her forebears. Although it appears both John and Sarah Ann had Wiltshire roots, it is unlikely, (but possible), that they knew each other before they met in Fulham, as they were from different villages.

We were able to identify a birth certificate for John, who was born 18th February 1862, to Stephen Harvey (a Market Gardener’s carter), and Jane (Cowdrey), at South Place, Parsons Green Fulham.

John was the second, of five children born to Stephen and Jane, with siblings, Alice 1860, Frederick baptised 23 October1864 at Hammersmith, Elizabeth born 1st February 1867 and Sarah born 22 January 1869 Fulham Fields, both baptised in March 1869.
However in 1871 John was not with his family, but in Stanton St. Bernard, Wiltshire with his grandparents, Daniel Harvey and step grandmother Roseanna in their small farm at Stanton. Daniel was employing “one man and a boy”, and John described as – grandson from Middlesex” – was he the boy who worked on the farm? (He was approximately 9 years old).
This is the first indication of a Wiltshire – Harvey connection.

In the 1881 census, John is back with the family, where he is described as a Costermonger

By 1891 he was working at his parents’ shop in Thorpe Terrace, Margravine Road, before having his own greengrocery business in Fulham Palace Road by 1901.

By 1911, John was still operating his Greengrocers business, with a growing family. The business continued to operate until the late 1930’s.

Soon after this, their property in Fulham was compulsorily purchased for proposed building work and they moved to Chiswick in West London. Sarah died in January 1944 and John died a few weeks later in February after a bomb fell near his house in Chiswick.
Children of John Harvey and Sarah Ann Ayliffe
May Bessie Born 6 May, bap 9 June 1889 St Andrew, Fulham. Died June 1967, Hounslow
John Daniel. Bap 18 June 1891 Died /June 1892
Mary Jane (Jen). Born 28 April 1892 – not baptised. Was at time of death of John Daniel so perhaps parents side-tracked. Died 1978 Grantham, Lincs
John Edward 1893 Born 17 August 1893, baptised 21 August. St. Pauls Hammersmith John Edward -Ted- was baptised close to his birth so perhaps was a weak baby. There was rumour he was one of twins so that might have been the reason. Died 1916 – Etaples memorial
Florence 1897
Daisy 1898-8
Daniel (Dan) Born 20 Nov 1899, Reg March 1900 Died /September 1966
Charles William (Charlie) Born 26 June 1901 Died 16 April 1962, Victoria Station
Isabella (Bella) Born 15 July 1903. Died October 1989, Chorley Lancs
Dan, Charles, Bella don’t seem to have been baptised. This was the time when Sarah Ellis John Harvey’s sister) lost her husband and she and her children were in the workhouse. Also John’s parents both died. Our J & S could have been busy with all this (by 1911, Dorothy Ellis was living with them)
Hilda Rose born 9 December 1906 bapt 1908 Died October 1988
Alfred Henry born October 1906, baptised 24 October 1906 Died /December 1908
Hilda was baptised together with Alfred, who like Ted was baptised close to birth so was perhaps delicate. He died age 2. I think my dad remembered him as he thought Brian was like him at birth,
Stephen Harvey
We have identified Stephen as John Harvey’s father.
Research details written by Cynthia
Stephen Harvey was born to Betty Pearce in 1829, and was baptised 1st March at Stanton St Bernard.

In November 1829, his mother married Daniel Harvey of Stanton St. Bernard. Every document relating to Stephen gives “Harvey” as his surname so I have no reason to believe that Daniel was not his father.
Jane Cowdry was born about 1830. At the time of the 1851 census Stephen was visiting a family called Page in North Newton and described as a “basket maker”. (I suppose this family could be related to Jane Page (Jane Cowdry’s mother) and is perhaps how Stephen met Jane Cowdry although I have not found Jane in the 1851 Census..
In 1853 Jane gave birth to a daughter, Mary Jane (birth certificate enclosed). No name is given for a father and I am inclined to think that she was not Stephen’s child, as she always seems to have been referred to as Mary Jane Cowdry. (I believe that she is the Mary Jane Cowdry given as “present at the death” of her grandmother Jane in 1873.
Finding Stephen’s birth was problematic, as he was born before his parents marriage. He was baptised as Stephen Pearce – to Betty, on 1st March 1828, living at Stanton. Later we will find that this IS, our Stephen Harvey.
So far he has not been found in 1841, perhaps we have been looking for the wrong name, or maybe he was not at home.
In the 1851 Census where registered as Steven Harvey, (aged 21 and described as “Basket Maker), he is visiting a family called Page in North Newton.

His wife’s mother was a ‘Page’ so perhaps this is where they met.
However, work in the countryside was probably becoming scarce and some time during the 1850’s he must have decided to try his luck in London.

When he married Jane Cowdry on 27th March 1859 they were both living at South End Cottages in Fulham. Jane came from All Cannings, a village adjoining Stephen’s home at Stanton St. Bernard. Jane had given birth to a daughter, Mary Jane, in 1852, father unknown. (See The Search for Mary Jane to read about her very interesting life). Stephens father given as Daniel Harvey, and Jane’s father John Cowdrey.
The first child born to Stephen and Jane in Fulham was Alice (1860), followed by John (1862), Frederick (1865), Elizabeth (1867) and Sarah (1869).
Stephen seems to have worked in the Fulham market gardens for a while and eventually they had a greengrocery business. Both Frederick and John had similar shops. My grandfather’s was in (30) Fulham Palace Road and was there until the Second World War
Census entries for 1871 and 1881, have already been included in the John Harvey story. Towards the end of the nineteenth century Stephen and Jane returned to Wiltshire.

Stephen died 8th March 1901 of chronic Bronchitis, and Jane in 1902, both in Woodborough close to their birthplaces.

At the time of the 1901 census, Jane was living in Woodborough, with grandson Mark Griffin and Granddaughter Dorothy Alice Ellis – children of her daughter Mary Jane (Cowdrey).
Children of Stephen and Jane Harvey
(Mary Jane Cowdray born to Jane in 1852. I had great difficulty tracking down Mary Jane Cowdray (Grandad’s stepsister) but have finally learnt about her eventful life).
Frederick, baptised 23 October1864 at Hammersmith, Elizabeth born 1st February 1867 and Sarah born 22 January 1869 Fulham Fields, both baptised in March 1869.
Alice Harvey born 1860 Fulham. Married William Hogan, a bricklayer of Irish descent and had a large family. Her daughter Mabel married Caspar Justius Momberg and they emigrated to America in the early 1900’s. Mabel’s daughter Agnes had a long period of correspondence with Auntie Bella.
John Harvey 1862 (above). Our line.
Frederick Harvey, baptised 23 October1864 at Hammersmith, married Brittania Simpson in 1886. She was the daughter of Thomas Simpson, Travelling Showman. They had several children.
Elizabeth Harvey married Edward Prior and had several children.
Sarah Harvey married a John Frederick Ellis and had four (maybe 5) children and a sad married life.
Daniel Harvey
To establish the next step backwards, and as we have already seen, in 1871, John Harvey was living with his grandfather Daniel. Stephen Harvey, gave his father as Daniel on his marriage certificate. Stephens mother according to his baptism record was Betty Pearce.
Daniel was born to John and Sarah Harvey on September 7th 1806, and baptised at Stanton St Bernard in 1807.

With the aid of censuses, we know more about the Harveys from here on. Daniel married Elizabeth (Betty) Pearce 16th November 1829 a few months after Betty had given birth to a son STEPHEN. (In later records he is always referred to as Stephen Harvey so we presume he was Daniel’s child).

So far unable to find Daniel or Stephen in 1841

It would appear that Daniel and his brother James were competing for fatherhood at this time as Stephen’s birth was followed by that of six more children – Sarah 1831; Henry and William 1833; Eliza Jane 1843; Alice 1846. In his turn James produced ten offspring, although several did not survive to adulthood. In early records Daniel was described as a Carrier (in 1847 he was paid “£3.13s.7d for taking Perry to London”). In the 1851 Census he was described as “Basketmaker”

By 1861 and thereafter he was described as “Farmer”.
In 1867, Daniel’s wife Betty died aged 68 (therefore year of birth c1799, making her 7 years older than Daniel). In 1870 Daniel remarried, Roseanna Perry.
The 1871 census, (above) shows John with Daniel and Roseanna as grandson.
Roseanna died in 1874 aged 61

In 1881 Daniel was living at White Pit, Stanton St Bernard, amongst those, judging by their names, who appear to be extended family relations

Daniel himself lived until 1892 when he died aged 85, and was buried January 21st. His daughter-in-law, Elizabeth (Henry’s wife), who lived next door to him and presumably cared for him, died herself a week later, aged only 53.

John Harvey
JOHN HARVEY was born in 1783. He married Sarah Bunce in Stanton in 1805 and they had five children, Daniel (1806), James (1810); John (1811); Mary Ann (1814) and Betty (1819).
(In 1812 John Harvey was employed to cut the Alton Barnes White Horse click for more details.) He died in 1861, aged 78.
James Harvey
JAMES HARVEY (born in 1756) was the second child of Aaron Harvey and Grace Gray. James was living in the village of Enford when he married Dorothy Hamlen in Stanton St Bernard in 1776. It is quite likely that he may have worked for Daniel Hamlen the miller at Stanton St Bernard because Dorothy was Daniel’s daughter. Dorothy was 27 but James, being only 19, had to have his parents’ permission to marry. James and Dorothy settled in Stanton St Bernard and here their children were born, Ruth (1778), Elizabeth (1779), John (1783) and Henry (1784).
Aaron Harvey
By 1755 Aaron was working in Marden in Wiltshire. He married Grace Gray, aged 25, in her parish church at Market Lavington a small village on the edge of Salisbury Plain. Grace was the daughter of Charles Gray and his wife Jane (nee Biss). Their first child Rebekah was baptised in 1755, Bety in 1758, and Paul in 1761.
James Harvey
Our earliest confirmed Harvey ancestor is JAMES HARVEY who was born in Wiltshire in the late 1600’s. On 16th October 1715, James married Rebecca Bond in the village of Imber – a small village on Salisbury Plain. (It is no longer inhabited as it forms part of the army’s training area, the parish church being used for target practice). We cannot confirm but believe that James hailed from Westbury, a village on the edge of Salisbury Plain, about four miles from Imber. We believe that Rebekah was born to Benjamin & Ann Bond in 1694 in Slaughterford, west of Chippenham. James and Rebekah had about six children, one of the youngest being AARON HARVEY, born in Imber in 1729.
If you believe you have any family connections, we would be delighted to hear from you.
Page last updated 06.05.2022