Joel Sanderson

1824 – 1894

Retracing Fore-Father’s FootSteps Generation 4

Joel Sanderson, was baptized at St Nicholas Church Bradfield on 7th March 1824. The third child, and second son of George Sanderson and Martha Ibbotson. (Older siblings, Martin born 1819, and Hannah born 1822). George was a Cutler, and the family lived at Low Bradfield. It is presumed by baptism and census records, the family home was Netherhouse Farm, adjacent to what is now the carpark.

Nether House Farm Bradfield. Picture Sheffield which hold many old, local photographs.

Joel’s birth was followed by those of seven siblings. Alfred 1828, Sarah 1830, Malin 1832, Jarvis 1834, Amelia 1836, Morgan 1839, and Eliza 1844. We have been intrigued by some of the name choices, but the more unusual, seem to be local names.

1841 Census entry.

On March 18th 1844, Joel married his second cousin Eliza Sanderson, at Ecclesfield Parish church. Eliza was the daughter of Thomas Sanderson and Mary Ann Siddons. They were both under 21 years, and both living at Bradfield. Joel described himself as a Farmer, and his father as a Cutler. Eliza’s father, Thomas as a Planter (of trees). The witnesses were Elizabeth and George Hattersley.

Marriage record for Joel and Eliza Sanderson 1844

Son Albert was baptised 10 February 1845 at Bradfield Church. Joel’s father, George had been apprenticed as a Cutler. In 1845, when son Albert was born, Joel was operating as a cutler, but by the time Mary Ann was baptised on 19 November 1848 again at Bradfield. Joel was described as a labourer. The country cutlery industry was in decline.

Mary Ann birth 1848

It appears Joel and Eliza were taking no chances, as both children, were also baptised at Ecclesfield church on the same day as being baptised at Bradfield.

In 1847, the family suffered disease and death, when Joel’s mother died, of Typhus Fever. This was a disease of poverty, possibly caused by lack of income due to the decline of the cutlery industry. His brother Alfred and sister Eliza, also died within a couple of weeks of their mother, presumably from the same cause.

Three years later, in 1850, Joel’s father, George, died from liver disease. The children still living at home, were forced to leave and find work and accommodation elsewhere. Perhaps Joel and Eliza had been living in the Sanderson family home until this time, but by 1851, were living at ‘Hay Chatters’, a farm house in Bradfield, (Bradfield Dale) with children, Albert and Mary Ann. It had previously been known as Hay/Heigh House, but later became The Haychatters Inn.

1851 Census entry page 1.
1851 Census entry page 2
Elizabeth Sanderson birth 1851

On 11th May 1851 a third child was born at Haychatters. A daughter Elizabeth (no childhood baptism found, (more details bottom of the page).

On 22nd March 1853, at Hollindale Cottage, a son Alfred was born. Sadly he only lived for 3 minutes.

Alfred Sanderson birth.
Alfred Sanderson death
1861 Census entry.

By 1861, Joel and Eliza were living at Bradfield Dale Edge, Joel was an Agricultural labourer. Next door were Eliza’s parents, Thomas and Mary Ann. Thomas was a Woodman. Son Albert, had left home to live with his apprentice master, William Bradwell, as a razor grinder apprentice in Stannington.

Daughters Mary Ann, and Elizabeth were still at home.

Perhaps other children had been born, but died as young children.

1871 Census entry.

By 1871, Joel and Eliza had moved to Brightolmlee, a small hamlet in High Bradfield, with no children at home.

1881 Census Entry

In 1881, they were still living at Brightolmlee.

On 13th June 1888, Eliza died (at Wharcliffeside), aged 65 of a Uterine Tumour. As yet we have been unable to locate a burial for her.

Eliza Sanderson death 1888.

Joel died on 7th June1890 from pneumonia and was buried at Stannington Christ Church on 10 June. He had been living at Knowle Top, presumably with or close to son Albert.

Joel Sanderson death 1890.

NB: Elizabeth Sanderson daughter of Joel, married John Wimpenny 7th March 1869 at Cartworth Huddersfield. He was 33 years old. According to the marriage register, she was ’20’, (born 1849), however, she was not included on the 1851 census, and the 1861 census suggests a birth date of 1852. Strangely, she was baptised at Brightolmlee in 1881, as an adult (name given as Elizabeth Sanderson rather than Wimpenny), birth date given as 1857, (this possibly a mistranscription of 1851 or 2).

A search of the GRO death registers reveal that Elizabeth Wimpenny died 30th June 1883 at Sheffield Women’s Hospital, Gell Street. She was aged 32, wife of John Wimpenny Farm Bailiff at Wharncliffeside. Present at the death was her mother Eliza Sanderson, this proves that it was certainly the same Elizabeth Sanderson. She died of a Uterine abcess and peritonitis. It is still a mystery as to why she was baptised in the name of Elizabeth Sanderson at Brightolmlee Wesleyan Chapel in 1881.

Elizabeth Wimpenny death 1883.

A son, Albert, was born to John and Elizabeth Wimpenny on 9th December 1869, and baptised on 10th March 1870 at Hinchliffe Mill, Wesleyan Chapel. Their abode was Hinchliffe Mill. The child must have died, as he was not included in the 1871 census.

Baptism entry Albert Sanderson 1870.
1871 census John and Elizabeth Wimpenny

The 1871 census shows the pair married, John aged 35 and Elizabeth 20 years. By 1891, John was described as a widower.

I have been unable to locate Mary Ann Sanderson daughter of Joel, beyond 1861.