Sanderson Wills

and Legal Documents

Wills can be extremely useful in establishing family relationships (including marriages within the family), ages, property ownership, and occupations.

This page includes a number of Sanderson Wills, written in legal and old fashioned English, which is not always easy to decipher.

For a brief resume to my view of the Sanderson family tree in Bradfield, Father’s Fore Fathers


Ralph (Raphe) Sanderson of Middop, written 18th January 1695/6. Yeoman. Wife Elizabeth. House the ‘Newhouse’ Also ancient mansion. Mother Ann Sanderson. Places, Mistal, – Nether Mistel (at Foderum). Francis Sanderson, oldest son, George Sanderson grandchild/son of Francis, Joseph – second son of Francis, Joshua – 3rd son of Francis, Josias 4th son of Francis. Joseph, Josias, Joshua my 2nd 3rd and 4th sons. Elizabeth Brodhead daughter, and wife of Daniell Broadhead.

Other places mentioned – Wooldale and Denby, Middop, Langside, Peniston Hoyland Swane

Edward Dickinson, Caleb Broadhead, Henery Dickinson (friend).

Executors; Elizabeth Sanderson, wife. John Sanderson of Middop.

Supervisors; John Burgess of Hooton Pagnell, Henry Dickinson of Sheephouse.

Witnesses; Emor Rich, Thomas Hattersley, Thomas Hattersley jr.

  • This appears to be Raphe baptised at Bradfield on 21st September 1628, to George Sanderson and Ann Robinson. George and Ann married 12th December 1627 at Bradfield church. They had ….children, Raphe was the oldest, twins, Joseph and William 1631,., Ann 1646.
  • George was baptised to Raphe 16th April 1595.


John Sanderson of ‘Hagstones’ in chapelry of Bradfield. Written 4th February 1711. Wife, Ann. Built a house ‘in the Stubing’ also freehold land in Worrall purchased from Joseph Taylor and Joshua Dickinson. Son John Sanderson

Executors; Efraim Burdot of Silkstone, Daniell Brodehede of Kirkburton

Supervisors; John Bentley of Bradwell Jonathan Green of Langside,

Witnesses; Raph Drake, Thomas Stead, Benjamin Shaw, Joseph Horton.


Jonathan Sanderson (written 20th April 1707) of Sickhouse (Sykehouse) in chapelry of Bradfield. Yeoman. Hill House. Wife, Mary. William Sanderson (second) son, and possibility of his marriage to Ann Ridall, at some point. Samuel Sanderson, son. Daughter Martha Shaw who has 2 children.

Executor; William Sanderson (son).

Witnesses; Sarah Woolen, John Borghton, Joseph Marriott

A number of illegible items

NB: Jonathan Sanderson was buried 1st May 1707 at Bradfield Church. By a matter of elimination, this is likely either Jonathan baptised to John at Bradfield 4th November 1635 or to Robert baptised 4th November 1643.

According to the MANOR BOOK (South Yorkshire Historical Sketches). This entry has been precis’d.

1711: John Sanderson of Wellhead at Sickhouse died and William inherits.

17 May 1744: An inquisition taken by the jurors who found that William Sanderson since the last court had died, seized of (?) and in a close called Wellhead at Sickhouse in the Chapelry of Bradfield, held of that manor in socage by yearly half rent of 3 pence, and that Samuel was his brother and next heir.


Sarah Sanderson (written 13th July 1747) of Pleasbloom House, in the chapelry of Bradfield. Spinster.

NB Sarah Sanderson daughter of Josias baptised 15 April 1680. Josias son of Robert, baptised 1st May 1646.

Sister Elizabeth – has 3 children, sister Abigail’s children, sister Alice’s son, Richard Gillott and his brothers inc. George Gillott and their sister.

Witness; Mary Ellison, Mark Stanley

Inventory; Elizabeth Ibbotson, Joseph Wood

Signed; John Ellis, Mark Stanley


Robert Sanderson of Bradfield in the parish of Ecclesfield (written 21st February 1755). Husbandman. Wife, Elizabeth. Son, Jonathan (less than age 21 years). Four children, Jeremiah, Jonathan, Mary and Maria.

Executor; Elizabeth Sanderson (wife).

Witnesses; Jonathan Sanderson, Joseph Hawkesworth.


Jonathan Sanderson of Bradfield in Parish of Ecclesfield (written 15th June 1761). Yeoman. Wife, Sarah, as an addition to her revenue at Middlewood. My estate at Worrall. Daughter in law Ann Hobson, my part of Nether Wheel at Storrs Bridge. Tennantright of farm at Bradfield to daughter Tamar Hattersley. Land at Worrall to daughter Martha Furnice, then her son BenjamIn Furnice. Land in Sheffield to Martha Furnice until her daughter, Mary Furnice come of age, (2 daughters of Martha, Ann and Mary). Farm in Sheffield Park.

Executors; Tamar Hattersley and Martha Furnice.

Witnesses Ed. and Amelia Creswick, James Sedgewick



During a Family History Expedition to Sheffield Archives (April 2002) we decided to have a look at some SANDERSON Wills, where we discovered a group of documents which can only be described as the most important and interesting pieces of information we have discovered to date.

Not only do they describe the family relationships of our ancestral line where we had got in a complete muddle with the names in the church registers, but also tie our family into the history of Bradfield, ie the ownership and sale of land which was bought up by Sheffield Water Company, and became part of the Bradfield Dams.

Surnames mentioned:


The Land in question.


Please note all these extracts have been summarised and only contain the main facts which might be of interest



I Joshua Hartley of Mill Lea Bottom Bradfield, Cutler, I give to my son William Hartley all my houses, barns, smallholdings, smithies, lands etc situated at Mill Lea Bottom. I devise to my son in law Joseph Sanderson my house at Nether Bradfield together with land etc. under the name of Gillott Fields and he is to pay rent to Joshua’s wife (Mary Hartley). After death of Joseph, land etc to be divided equally between his children, Joseph Helliwell to have an equal share with the rest of the children of Joseph. Also I give and bequest to my daughter Martha Green £100. I also give and bequest to my son Jonathan Sanderson £100 after the death of my wife. I also give and bequest to my daughter Mary Bagshaw £100. Also to my daughter Elizabeth Thompson £100. I also bequest to my son Rowland Hartley £ 100. (Rowland Hartley is his eldest son and heir) I also bequest to my grandson William Howe £50 and grandson James Howe £50. I bequest to my son Rowland my pew seat in the church at Bradfield.

Executors to the will John Howe and Jonathan Thompson.

After all expenses rest of residue to be divided among the four children of Rowland (John Joshua Elizabeth George).


18 DECEMBER 1838

John Hartley (Rowland’ s son) is making an agreement between himself and Mary Sanderson, Zaccariah Sanderson and Joseph Helliwell.

Indenture between George Sanderson and John Sanderson (cutlers) and Zaccariah Sanderson, & Joseph Helliwell (cutlers) and Mary Sanderson (spinster) and John Hartley. Repeats above will and speaks of Joseph dying in 1830, leaving sons George, John, Zaccariah and Mary & Joseph Helliwell who was born out of lawful wedlock but was directed to have an equal share. Rowland died in 1830 leaving son John as heir. George and John are selling their parts to Zachariah, Mary and Joseph Helliwell. John Hartley is giving up his right to this land so that Zachariah and others can take it on. Francis Hoole is a gentleman holding land as trustee on behalf of Zachariah, etc.

Dwelling and appurtenances, buildings and smithies and land in Nether Bradfield in occupation of John Sanderson, George Sanderson, William Wilson and Joseph Helliwell. The Mill Lee, The Upper Close, The Lower Close, The Croft, – Once in the occupation of Anna Hawksworth and then John Ibbotson but now in the tenure of Joseph Helliwell. These several closes also known as Gillott’ s Fields . Land bounded (eastward) by Adamson Parker, (westward) by William Tattershall, (northward) by ancient enclosures belonging to Joseph Sanderson and one Godfrey Jubb and (southward) by Damflask Road. Separated into three closes, House Field, Middle Field, Far Field, now in the occupation of Joseph Helliwell . Given to the use of Francis Hoole and his heirs. On 24 December 1838 the above was passed on to Joseph Ibbotson from Hoole and the Sandersons and Zaccariah and the rest were to lease it back from him.


Between Joseph Ibbotson of the first part and Henry Sanderson of Lower Bradfield, Cutler of the second part and the within named Zachariah who is a bachelor and Charles Sanderson cutler who was married to his present wife on 8th December 1863 at Ecclesfield church and the within named Mary Sanderson a spinster of the third part. Whereas the within named Henry Ibbotson made a will on 4th December 1857 whereby he invested all his property to Joseph Ibbotson (his son) and his said brother Richard Ibbotson (joint executors) and whereas the said Henry Ibbotson died on 15th December 1857 and the said Richard Ibbotson died on 2th July 1874 and was buried in the churchyard at Bradfield and whereas Joseph Helliwell made a will on 2th April 1868 and bequeathed to Charles Sanderson all his estate including his third of Gillotts Field with houses and shops. He also left £40 to Henry Sanderson – Zaccariah and Charles executors. Joseph Helliwell died 18 th February 1869.


Lump of land sold to Sheffield Waterworks by Zaccariah, Charles, Mary and Henry Sanderson.


Agreement listing fields, properties etc to be sold by Zaccariah Charles, Mary and Henry to Thomas Rose


Joshua Sanderson, Farmer declares he is over 82 and Joseph Ibbotson states he is 60 and state their knowledge of the land awarded to Joseph at the enclosure. Also confirm that Zaccariah, Mary and Henry are not married and that Charles married in 1863 .


including cottage and wheelwrights shop in occupation of Emmanuel Sanderson (Low Bradfield surrounding Wesleyan Chapel)

In 1881 the Hoole Family are selling some of the land to Rose and the following are Solicitors Questions

Q Was the Farm Mill, Lee Close in the occupation of Emanuel Sanderson at the date of Mrs Hooles (Miss AC Tattershall before marriage) death.

A We were so instructed when we prepared the will

Document refers to a messuage sold on June 29 1719 by Jonathan Slack & Elizabeth; Thomas Wilkinson & Ann; and George Holmes to Joseph Hawksworth in Nether Bradfield and lived in by Joseph Bramhall. Also a House lived in by Jeremiah Terrier (or Ferrier).


I Joseph Sanderson,shopkeeper, was well acquainted with Joshua Hartley formerly of Mill Lee. He was the stepfather of Joseph Sanderson (the father of George John Zaccariah Mary and Joseph Helliwell). Joshua Hartley purchased from Joseph Jones of Rotherham about 1802 various messuages etc. called Gillotts Fields. Joshua died in the latter part of the year 1803 leaving surviving children Rowland his heir, William and two daughters. Rowland was married to Sarah Ibbotson in November 1790 and they lived together until the death of Rowland in January 1830. They had several children including John Hartley residing at Hill Foot (his eldest son and heir). Joseph took over two messuages and made them into four. Joseph died in February 1833. Joseph was married to Sarah Helliwell until she died in 1827. They had seven children George, John, Zaccariah, Mary and Joseph Helliwell and three others who died in infancy and on the death of Joseph his said children, including the said Joseph Helliwell entered into possession.

31stDecember 1817 Joseph Sanderson (Joshua Hartleys son) declares enclosure land

9th March 1826 Joseph Sanderson allotted land by Dam Flask Road in enclosure award

This document was accompanied by notes on various Births, Marriages and Burials

Baptism Rowland son of Joshua Hartley, Mill Lee 7th August 1763

Baptism John son of Rowland Hartley Brightholmelee, 12 th June 1791

Burial Rowland Hartley (68) 17 th January 1830

Marriage Rowland Hartley m Sarah Ibbotson 2nd November 1790

Burial Mary Hartley 24th November 1807

Burial Joseph Sanderson (76) 26th February 1833


Russell Smith has transcribed some local ancient wills which include Sandersons

Angela Weatherill 2021